God's In The Room


God’s In The Room

Acknowledging the God who’s in every season, every place and every room

by Jessica Lawson

There were a couple of days where I thought I might have Covid19.

I tried not to let fear entice me to panic. But, I also guarded my heart. I didn’t tell many people. I didn’t share it with my small group.

I wanted to know for certain.

I felt horrible. I was dropped off at urgent care. I was alone --  just me and my mask. They did test after test, I felt miserable and afraid. Hours passed as I wore my mask. No answers. We ruled this out. We ruled that out. As I was waiting for the next test I started crying. I was overwhelmed with the weight of it all.

All the factors. All the possibilities. All the things this virus took from us already and it wanted more from me. The What Ifs flooded while I waited for the doctor. And I looked up for a moment.

What if God was in the examination room?

My heart caught a spark of hope.

I was taken to another room for another test.

What if God was in the XRay room?

I really had to pee.

What if God was in the bathroom?

Testing over.

What if God was in this waiting room?

Since that day, I’ve been asking, what if God was in the car, in this meeting, in the kitchen, on this couch? What if He is here as I get a call with the results of a major health issue? What if He is here when a friend breaks my heart? What if He is here when work is overwhelming?

Because if He is, would I act any differently?

Better question:

Because if I believed He is, would I act any differently?

I challenge you, sweet Kindred, change your What Ifs.

What if I don’t get that job? —> What if God closes the door?

What if I can’t afford rent? —> What if God provides my every need?

What if I fail? —> What if God is for me?

God is in the room friends. Let’s act like it.

Photo by Ashley Edwards